12 hour basic driver improvement course florida
12 hour basic driver improvement course florida

#12 hour basic driver improvement course florida drivers

Question: Drivers being tailgated are advised to _ to encourage the tailgating driver to pass. Question: Drivers must understand that traffic laws _ them and should be supported and followed. Question: Driving a motor vehicle requires many coordinated functions which are _ impacted by alcohol and other drugs. Question: If the driver drinks a carbonated alcohol beverage, the affects will be faster as the alcohol is absorbed and on the way to the brain sooner. Question: In the synergistic effect, each drug compounds the effect of the other, further altering the driver's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Question: In urban areas, scanning for potential hazards is about _ of a mile in front of your vehicle. Question: _ is a type of drug that induces a soothing, lulling or dulling affect. Question: No passing to the left should be done when:Īnswer: both "curve of a highway" and "approaching or upon the crest of a grade"

12 hour basic driver improvement course florida

Question: Planning and research are not involved in the establishment of traffic laws? Question: The conscientious driver is often time the _ driver.

12 hour basic driver improvement course florida

Question: The driver should wait at the limit line at first and then ease out into the intersection before completing the turn. Question: To avoid impaired drivers, you should drive late at night on weekends as no one drinks on weekends.

12 hour basic driver improvement course florida

Question: With severe emotional pain, the driver could turn to substance _ to hide emotional pain. Question: You are not at higher risk for having a collision when you drive alone.

12 hour basic driver improvement course florida